Missio Dei

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Hope for Haiti


As most of you know last weekend was our Hope for Haiti Rummage sale. I was schedule to go and help out from ten to noon Saturday morning. On Friday night I had decided to stay up and watch YouTube videos until about one in the morning, which I was regretting when I got a text at 6:28am. My brother was needing someone to set up coffee for all who came to support us and I was more than happy to do it. Now being the planner that I am (and the fact I couldn't go back to sleep), I figured I had plenty of time to put on some mascara and blush and snatch Landon out of bed to make it to the church by 7:30.

Where's Landon?
...he's such a good sport!

By the time I arrived at the building at 7:24 people were already there and ready to spend money. Me and many of my teammates were barley awake but ready to help and eager to raise lots of money!

The hardest workers EVER!
Tami and Amy stayed stayed all day. Tami is an OUTSTANDING sales woman and I'm so glad I got to know her better. Thanks Ladies for ALL your help!!

We had a steady of stream of  people all day. And even though I was scheduled  until noon, I ended up staying all day-- I couldn't miss out on all the fun! Half-way through the day Jodie, Jen and I went downtown to set out jars for money at local businesses, we ended up getting lunch (well, Jen was eating the samples each place we went) and we laughed ALLOT along the way :) I love my team! 

Coffee and Donuts (we didn't actually sell the donuts for $1)
The Hydro Flask station... these are selling like crazy!
Our Homemade Table
Audrey and Katie from "team Haiti" made things to sell at the rummage sale. And one of our youth gals Catherine Witt made necklaces for us to sell...they were painted "reversible"' coins (pennies, nickles and quarters).

At about 3 o'clock, we were ready to start shutting things down. The plan was to take whatever didn't sell to Goodwill, but before we loaded anything up we made "Everything Free" signs. 

We even put some signs on the streets. Lol!

We ended up making $1,400 that day--It was fun to see everyone come together for a good cause. God is good! 

 1 Corinthians 12:27 says that 
All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.”

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! That is such a good location for a rummage sale. The first one I was a part of was for Invisible Children, ages ago. A lot of work but a lot of fun and a great fundraiser. I hope you went home and slept :-) I'm so excited for you guys. It's coming FAST!
